Attacking Severe Root Problems

We all wish that there was magic solution that you could just drop into a sewer line and have the root problems just disappear instantly, but the fact of the matter is there is no product out there that will instantly disintegrate the roots upon contact and that it can take time for the roots to decay naturally. Here are a couple of options for attacking those severe root problems.

1. When you find a severe root problem, first of all you can cut or jet out the root mass. Then you can either treat with RootX with in the first hour of cutting or wait 6-8 weeks and then go back in and do a RootX treatment. Ideally the 6-8 week time frame is the best one, because treating new root growth is always preferred over treating newly damaged root tissue. Damaged tissue doesn’t absorb the RootX at as high a rate as actively growing roots that are vigorously feeding.

2. Your second option for attacking severe root problems is to leave the root mass in place and do a treatment without cutting the mass out. Think of it like you are trying to spray and kill blackberry bushes. If you cut the blackberry bushes down and spray them, you are going to get a hit and miss spray coverage and in time you will see sporadic growth starting to pop back up. If you spray those blackberry bushes when they are in full growth, they will completely absorb the herbicide and kill the whole bush. The one difference with RootX is that RootX is a contact herbicide, which means that it will only kill what it comes in contact with. So if you have some large root masses you may kill the outer layer of roots and then need to do a subsequent RootX application to kill the remaining roots. So I would suggest doing a first RootX application to kill most of the roots then come back in in 2-3 months and jet or cut off all of the dead roots and re-apply the RootX to kill off what is remaining and prevent that new growth.  Just make sure to do an annual RootX application for 4 and 6 inch lines and an application every 2-3 years on 8 inch and larger lines.

If you have any further questions or specific issues always feel free to contact us here at RootX at (800)844-4974 or email us at